01796naa a2200265 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400420006010000170010224501220011926000090024152010690025065000190131965000110133865000100134965000140135965000100137365000090138365000190139265300120141170000160142370000190143970000240145877300480148210214312019-06-24 2019 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 a10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1239.222DOI1 aPERON, F. N. aBioinformatics approach to the study of the molecular behaviour of mealybug wilt of pineapple.h[electronic resource] c2019 aMealybug wilt of pineapple (MWP) is a disease caused by the Pineapple mealybug wilt-associated virus (PMWaV) complex transmitted by Dysmicoccus brevipes and D. neobrevipes. MWP symptoms are characterized by root dessication, leaf wilting and consequent failure to produce a fruit. The molecular mechanisms involved in the pineapple-PMWaV interaction for MWP symptomatology are still unclear. In this work, mRNAs of asymptomatic and symptomatic pineapple plants were evaluated using Illumina RNA sequencing technology. From a total of 79 million reads per sample, 16,097 genes were identified using STAR aligner and HTseq for paired-end files. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between the evaluated groups were estimated using DESeq2 and edgeR, with an FDR cutoff of ≤0.05. A total of 207 DEGs were detected, with 61 upregulated and 146 downregulated in symptomatic plants infected by PMWaV-2. The methodologies improved by the assays presented in this article and the detected DEGs can substantiate further researches with pineapple and the MWP disease. aBioinformatics aDESeq2 aEdgeR aPineapple aPMWaV aSTAR aTranscriptomic aAbacaxi1 aCALLONI, R.1 aVENTURA, J. A.1 aFERNANDES, P. M. B. tActa Horticulturae, 1239, p. 177-184, 2019.