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dc.contributor.authorSILVA, A. E. S. da.
dc.contributor.authorMASO, L. J.
dc.contributor.authorCOSTA, E. B. da.
dc.contributor.authorBASSANI, L. A.
dc.contributor.authorGALEANO, E. A. V.
dc.contributor.otherAntônio Elias Souza da Silva, Incaper; Ludovico José Maso, Incaper; Enio Bergoli da Costa, Incaper; Luiz Antonio Bassani, Incaper; Edileuza Aparecida Vital Galeano, Incaper.
dc.descriptionThe beginning of the formation of the historical, economic, social and political idmy of Espirito Santo had as main pillar of the coffee farming structure from the middle of the nineteenth century on. This activity also integrated the state into the national economy and international market, in addition to helping to build its sociocultural base (CALIMAN, 2012). In 1850, the importance of coffee cultivation in the economy of Espirito Santo was already remarkable, and until the 19505, the state was always dependent on coffee. Although the economic base has diversif?ied, coffee production continues being the most important activity in the state s agricultural sector due to the economic and social density present in all municipalities in the state of Espirito Santo, with the exception of the capital Vitoria...
dc.publisherIn: FERRÃO, R. G.; FONSECA, A. F. A. da.; FERRÃO, M. A. G.; DE MUNER, L. H. (Ed.). Conilon Coffee. 3 edition updated and expanded Vitória, ES : Incaper, 2019. Cap. 2, p. 51-69. Translated from: Café Conilon, 2017 - Incaper. English translation: Marcele Gualda Pasolini.
dc.subjectCafeicultura capixaba
dc.subjectCafé conilon
dc.subjectEspírito Santo (Estado)
dc.titleEconomic and social importance of conilon coffee in the State of Espirito Santo.
dc.typeParte de livro (trabalhos apresentados em eventos ou em coletâneas, inclusive resumos)
dc.ainfo.depositanteMerielem Frasson
dc.subject.nalthesaurusCoffee cultivation
dc.subject.nalthesaurusConilon coffee
Aparece nas coleções:Memória Técnica do Incaper

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