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Registro Completo
Biblioteca(s):  Biblioteca Rui Tendinha.
Data corrente:  06/05/2016
Data da última atualização:  28/09/2017
Tipo da produção científica:  Artigo em Periódico Indexado
Autoria:  SANTOS, C.; VENTURA, J. A.; LIMA, N.
Afiliação:  Cledir Santos, CIBAMA/BIOREN-UFRO; Jose Aires Ventura, Incaper; Nelson Lima, Universidade do Minho.
Título:  New insights for diagnosis of pineapple fusariosis by MALDI-TOF MS technique.
Ano de publicação:  2016
Fonte/Imprenta:  Current Microbiology, p. 1-8, apr. 2016.
Idioma:  Português
Conteúdo:  Fusarium is one of the most economically important fungal genus, since it includes many pathogenic species which cause a wide range of plant diseases. Morphological or molecular biology identification of Fusarium species is a limiting step in the fast diagnosis and treatment of plant disease caused by these fungi. Mass spectrometry by matrix-assisted laser/desorption ionisation-time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF)-based fingerprinting approach was applied to the fungal growth monitoring and direct detection of strain Fusarium guttiforme E-480 inoculated in both pineapple cultivars Pérola and Imperial side shoots, that are susceptible and resistant, respectively, to this fungal strain. MALDI-TOF MS technique was capable to detect fungal molecular mass peaks in the susceptible pineapple stem side shoot tissue. It is assumed that these molecular masses are mainly constituted by ribosomal proteins. MALDI-TOF-based fingerprinting approach has herein been demonstrated to be sensitive and accurate for the direct detection of F. guttiforme E-480 molecular masses on both susceptible and resistant pineapple side stem free of any pre-treatment. According to the results obtained, the changing on molecular mass peaks of infected susceptible pineapple tissue together with the possibility of fungal molecular masses analysis into this pineapple tissue can be a good indication for an early diagnosis by MALDI-TOF MS of pineapple fusariosis.
Thesaurus NAL:  Fusarium; Pineapple.
Categoria do assunto:  --
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Biblioteca Rui Tendinha (BRT)
Biblioteca ID Origem Tipo/Formato Classificação Cutter Registro Volume Status
BRT - MI11464 - 1UMTAP - DD


Acesso ao texto completo restrito à biblioteca da Biblioteca Rui Tendinha. Para informações adicionais entre em contato com
Registro Completo
Biblioteca(s):  Biblioteca Rui Tendinha.
Data corrente:  12/08/2019
Data da última atualização:  12/08/2019
Tipo da produção científica:  Artigo em Periódico Indexado
Circulação/Nível:  A - 2
Afiliação:  Glória Maria de Farias Viégas Aquije, UFES; Poliana Belisário Zorzal, UFES; David Shaun Buss, UFES; Jose Aires Ventura, Incaper; Patricia Machado Bueno Fernandes, UFES; Antonio Alberto Ribeiro Fernandes, UFES.
Título:  Cell wall alterations in the leaves of fusariosis-resistant and susceptible pineapple cultivars.
Ano de publicação:  2010
Fonte/Imprenta:  Plant Cell Reports, v. 29, n. 10, p. 1109-1117, 2010.
Idioma:  Inglês
Conteúdo:  Fusariosis, caused by the fungus Fusarium subglutinans f. sp. ananas (Syn. F. guttiforme), is one of the main phytosanitary threats to pineapple (Ananas comosus var. comosus). Identification of plant cell responses to pathogens is important in understanding the plant?pathogen relationship and establishing strategies to improve and select resistant cultivars. Studies of the structural properties and phenolic content of cell walls in resistant (Vitoria) and susceptible (Perola) pineapple cultivars, related to resistance to the fungus, were performed. The non-chlorophyll base of physiologically mature leaves was inoculated with a conidia suspension. Analyses were performed post-inoculation by light, atomic force, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and measurement of cell wall-bound phenolic compounds. Non-inoculated leaves were used as controls to define the constitutive tissue characteristics. Analyses indicated that morphological differences, such as cell wall thickness, cicatrization process and lignification, were related to resistance to the pathogen. Atomic force microscopy indicated a considerable difference in the mechanical properties of the resistant and susceptible cultivars, with more structural integrity, associated with higher levels of cell wall-bound phenolics, found in the resistant cultivar. p-Coumaric and ferulic acids were shown to be the major phenolics bound to the cell walls and were found in higher amounts in the resistant cultivar. Leaves of... Mostrar Tudo
Palavras-Chave:  Abacaxi; Fusariose; Variedade Perola; Variedade Vitoria.
Thesaurus NAL:  Ananas comosus; Disease; Fungus; Fusarium subglutinans; Parasite interaction; Pineapple; Resistant cultivar.
Categoria do assunto:  H Saúde e Patologia
Marc:  Mostrar Marc Completo
Registro original:  Biblioteca Rui Tendinha (BRT)
Biblioteca ID Origem Tipo/Formato Classificação Cutter Registro Volume Status
BRT - MI22724 - 1UMTAP - DD
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