Registro Completo |
Biblioteca(s): |
Biblioteca Rui Tendinha. |
Data corrente: |
08/08/2019 |
Data da última atualização: |
08/08/2019 |
Tipo da produção científica: |
Artigo em Periódico Indexado |
Autoria: |
Afiliação: |
Luís Felipe V. Ferrão, UFV; Eveline T. Caixeta, Embrapa Cafe; Cosme D. Cruz, UFV; Flávio F. de Souza, Embrapa Rondônia; Maria Amélia Gava Ferrão, Incaper/Embrapa Café; Laércio Zambolim, UFV; Ney S. Sakiyama, UFV. |
Título: |
The effects of encoding data in diversity studies and the applicability of the weighting index approach for data analysis from different molecular markers. |
Ano de publicação: |
2014 |
Fonte/Imprenta: |
Plant Systematics and Evolution, New York v. 300, p.1649-1661, feb. 2014. |
DOI: |
10.1007/s00606-014-09903 |
Idioma: |
Português |
Conteúdo: |
The use of molecular markers to study genetic diversity represents a breakthrough in this area, because of the increase in polymorphism levels and phenotypic neutrality. Codominant markers, such as microsatellites (SSR), are sensitive enough to distinguish the heterozygotes in genetic studies. Despite this advantage, there are some studies that ignore this feature and work with encoded data because of the simplicity of the evaluation, existence of polyploids and need for the combined analysis of different types of molecular markers. Thus, our study aims to investigate the consequences of these encodings on simulated and real data. In addition, we suggest an alternative analysis for genetic evaluations using different molecular markers. For the simulated data, we proposed the following two scenarios: the first uses SNP markers, and the second SSR markers. For real data, we used the SSR genotyping data from Coffea canephora accessions maintained in the Embrapa Germplasm Collection. The genetic diversity was studied using cluster analysis, the dissimilarity index, and the Bayesian approach implemented in the STRUCTURE software. For the simulated data, we observed a loss of genetic information to the encoded data in both scenarios. The same result was observed in the coffee studies. This loss of information was discussed in the context of a plantbreeding program, and the consequences were weighted to germplasm evaluations and the selection of parents for hybridization. In the studies that involved different types of markers, an alternative to the combined analysis is discussed, where the informativeness, coverage and quality of markers are weighted in the genetic diversity studies. MenosThe use of molecular markers to study genetic diversity represents a breakthrough in this area, because of the increase in polymorphism levels and phenotypic neutrality. Codominant markers, such as microsatellites (SSR), are sensitive enough to distinguish the heterozygotes in genetic studies. Despite this advantage, there are some studies that ignore this feature and work with encoded data because of the simplicity of the evaluation, existence of polyploids and need for the combined analysis of different types of molecular markers. Thus, our study aims to investigate the consequences of these encodings on simulated and real data. In addition, we suggest an alternative analysis for genetic evaluations using different molecular markers. For the simulated data, we proposed the following two scenarios: the first uses SNP markers, and the second SSR markers. For real data, we used the SSR genotyping data from Coffea canephora accessions maintained in the Embrapa Germplasm Collection. The genetic diversity was studied using cluster analysis, the dissimilarity index, and the Bayesian approach implemented in the STRUCTURE software. For the simulated data, we observed a loss of genetic information to the encoded data in both scenarios. The same result was observed in the coffee studies. This loss of information was discussed in the context of a plantbreeding program, and the consequences were weighted to germplasm evaluations and the selection of parents for hybridization. In the st... Mostrar Tudo |
Palavras-Chave: |
Café canéfora; Café conilon; Codominant markers; Coffee; Diversidade genética; Dominant markers Germplasm; Marcadores dominantes; SSR STRUCTURE. |
Thesagro: |
Café; Coffea Canephora; Marcador molecular. |
Categoria do assunto: |
-- |
URL: |
Marc: |
LEADER 02777naa a2200337 a 4500 001 1021517 005 2019-08-08 008 2014 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d 024 7 $a10.1007/s00606-014-09903$2DOI 100 1 $aFERRÃO, L. F. V. 245 $aThe effects of encoding data in diversity studies and the applicability of the weighting index approach for data analysis from different molecular markers.$h[electronic resource] 260 $c2014 520 $aThe use of molecular markers to study genetic diversity represents a breakthrough in this area, because of the increase in polymorphism levels and phenotypic neutrality. Codominant markers, such as microsatellites (SSR), are sensitive enough to distinguish the heterozygotes in genetic studies. Despite this advantage, there are some studies that ignore this feature and work with encoded data because of the simplicity of the evaluation, existence of polyploids and need for the combined analysis of different types of molecular markers. Thus, our study aims to investigate the consequences of these encodings on simulated and real data. In addition, we suggest an alternative analysis for genetic evaluations using different molecular markers. For the simulated data, we proposed the following two scenarios: the first uses SNP markers, and the second SSR markers. For real data, we used the SSR genotyping data from Coffea canephora accessions maintained in the Embrapa Germplasm Collection. The genetic diversity was studied using cluster analysis, the dissimilarity index, and the Bayesian approach implemented in the STRUCTURE software. For the simulated data, we observed a loss of genetic information to the encoded data in both scenarios. The same result was observed in the coffee studies. This loss of information was discussed in the context of a plantbreeding program, and the consequences were weighted to germplasm evaluations and the selection of parents for hybridization. In the studies that involved different types of markers, an alternative to the combined analysis is discussed, where the informativeness, coverage and quality of markers are weighted in the genetic diversity studies. 650 $aCafé 650 $aCoffea Canephora 650 $aMarcador molecular 653 $aCafé canéfora 653 $aCafé conilon 653 $aCodominant markers 653 $aCoffee 653 $aDiversidade genética 653 $aDominant markers Germplasm 653 $aMarcadores dominantes 653 $aSSR STRUCTURE 700 1 $aCAIXETA, E. T. 700 1 $aCRUZ, C. D. 700 1 $aSOUZA, F. de F. 700 1 $aFERRÃO, M. A. G. 700 1 $aZAMBOLIM, Z. 700 1 $aSAKIYAMA, N. S. 773 $tPlant Systematics and Evolution, New York$gv. 300, p.1649-1661, feb. 2014.
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Registro original: |
Biblioteca Rui Tendinha (BRT) |
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Status |
Registros recuperados : 7 | |
1. |  | VERDAM, G. M.; PRAVATO, L. G.M .; RAMOS, I. B.; ESPOSTI, M. D.; SOUZA, F. de.; SENRA, J. F. de B. Avaliação de caracterÃsticas fÃsico-quÃmicas de acerola do banco ativo de germoplasma (BAG) na região Sul do EspÃrito Santo In: SIMPÓSIO DE FRUTICULTURA DA REGIÃO SUL, 4., 2024. Anais.....Chapecó, SC: FRUSUL, 21 a 23 maio 2024.Tipo: Publicação em Anais de Congresso |
Biblioteca(s): Biblioteca Rui Tendinha. |
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2. |  | FERRÃO, L. F. V.; CAIXETA, E. T.; CRUZ, C. D.; SOUZA, F. de F.; FERRÃO, M. A. G.; ZAMBOLIM, Z.; SAKIYAMA, N. S. The effects of encoding data in diversity studies and the applicability of the weighting index approach for data analysis from different molecular markers. Plant Systematics and Evolution, New York v. 300, p.1649-1661, feb. 2014.Tipo: Artigo em Periódico Indexado | Circulação/Nível: A - 1 |
Biblioteca(s): Biblioteca Rui Tendinha. |
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3. |  | BARCELLOS, B. D.; SOUZA, F. de; MARTINS, D. dos S.; MIELKE, C. G. C.; FERREIRA, P. S. F.; FERREIRA, L. S. F.; NOGUEIRA, B. C. F. Seasonal analysis of Saturniidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Bombycoidea) in a remaining Atlantic Forest in the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Revista Chilena de Entomología, v. 48, n. 1, p. 107-123, 2022.Tipo: Artigo em Periódico Indexado |
Biblioteca(s): Biblioteca Rui Tendinha. |
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4. |  | RAMOS, I. B.; SENRA, J. F. de B.; ESPOSTI, M. D.; SOUZA, F. de F.; VERDAM, G. M.; PRAVATO, L. G. M. Variabilidade fenotÃpica de genótipos de aceroleira na região Sul do EspÃrito Santo. In: SIMPÓSIO DE FRUTICULTURA DA REGIÃO SUL, 4., 2024. Anais.....Chapecó, SC: FRUSUL, 21 a 23 maio 2024.Tipo: Publicação em Anais de Congresso |
Biblioteca(s): Biblioteca Rui Tendinha. |
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5. |  | SOUZA, F. de F.; PINTO, J. M.; BRITO, E. T. S.; SOUSA, I. I.; NASCIMENTO, T. L. do; SANTOS, D. E. P. S.; FERRÃO, R. G.; FONSECA, A. F. A. da. Avaliação de clones do café Canéfora no submédio do Vale do São Francisco - 1ª safra. In: SIMPÓSIO DE PESQUISA DOS CAFÉS DO BRASIL, 9., 2015, Curitiba. Consórcio pesquisa café: oportunidades e novos desafios. Brasília, DF: Embrapa Café, 2015.Tipo: Publicação em Anais de Congresso |
Biblioteca(s): Biblioteca Rui Tendinha. |
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6. |  | FERREIRA, L. S. F.; FERREIRA, P. S. F.; SOUZA, F. de; GRAZIA, J.; FERNANDES, J. A. M.; GIL-SANTANA, H. R.; COSTA, L. A. A.; MARTINS, D. dos S. Influence of seasonality in plant bugs species (Hemiptera - Heteroptera) associated with Lobeira (Solanum lycocarpum A. ST. HIL - Solanaceae) in the brazilian cerrado, Minas Gerais State. Biológico, v. 82, p. 1-18, 2020.Tipo: Artigo em Periódico Indexado | Circulação/Nível: B - 4 |
Biblioteca(s): Biblioteca Rui Tendinha. |
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7. |  | EIRA, M. T. S.; FAZUOLI, L. C.; GUERREIRO FILHO, O.; SILVAROLLA, M. B.; FERRÃO, M. A. G.; FONSECA, A. F. A. da.; FERRÃO, R. G.; SERA, T.; PEREIRA, A. A.; SAKIYAMA, N. S.; ZAMBOLIM, L.; CARVALHO, C. H.; PADILHA, L.; SOUZA, F. de F. Bancos de germoplasma de café no Brasil : base para melhoramento para a produtividade e qualidade. In: SIMPÓSIO DE PESQUISA DOS CAFÉS DO BRASIL, 5., 2007, Águas de Lindóia, SP. Anais... Brasília, DF: Embrapa Café, 2007. 5p.Tipo: Publicação em Anais de Congresso |
Biblioteca(s): Biblioteca Rui Tendinha. |
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Registros recuperados : 7 | |
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